Trial Judging



A team of at least 10 independent assessors is used to evaluate each cultivar. Both male and female assessors are used, and these are drawn from all forms of gardening such as garden designers and advisors, to gardeners from domestic and public gardens.

In the first year of trial, the first assessments are not made until the second week of December, and thereafter at 4-weekly intervals throughout the growing season to early May – hence 6 assessments are made in the first year.

In the second year of trial, assessments commence at the start of the growing season (mid -October) and again are taken at 4-weekly intervals until the end of the growing season in early May – hence 8 assessments are completed in the second year.

Fragrance of the roses on trial are assessed primarily by female assessors, of which there are at least 8. There is only one assessment completed in the first year of planting which is carried out in the Autumn, and in the second year fragrance is assessed twice, once in the Spring and again in Autumn.

A team of volunteers removes spent flowers after each assessment (4 weekly), and the following assessment criteria is used:

  • General Impression – 30 points – Plant, Foliage, Vigour, Flowering, Novelty
  • Flower – 30 points – Blooms, Buds, Colour, Abundance of Flowering, Recurrent Bloom, Post Flowering, Novelty
  • Disease Resistance – 30 points – Fungal Diseases, Pest Tolerance
  • Fragrance – 10 points  

Maximum Points – 100